Can L-Tyrosine help to manage the symptoms of ADHD?
Traditional treatments for ADHD such as medication can be effective, but they are not the only options. What is L-tyrosine, and can it reduce the symptoms of ADHD?
Traditional treatments for ADHD such as medication can be effective, but they are not the only options. What is L-tyrosine, and can it reduce the symptoms of ADHD?
When you have RSD, romantic heartbreak, minor arguments with friends, or even a text without a smiley at the end can all feel like being hit with a truck.
Dyslexia and ADHD often occur together – 25% of children with ADHD also have a diagnosis of dyslexia. So how are they related?
What’s the difference between ADHD and ADD? Are they the same thing? The answer lies in their history.
It is sometimes hard to work out how ADHD medications differ, and which might be the right option for you. This guide lays out all the basics.
So… you think you might have ADHD. Now what? What are your options? This easy-to-read guide explains how to get assessed for ADHD in the UK.